Articles on: For stores that have not yet installed Timesact

How to install Timesact a.k.a Preorder Notify Me Pre-order T on your Shopify store

Follow the instructions to install Timesact Preorder, a preorder Shopify app with back-in-stock notifications and coming-soon functionalities. The installation process is easy:

Step 1 - Find Timesact on the Shopify App Store

Use this link to go directly to the app page.

Or search for the keyword Timesact on the Shopify app store directly.

Step 2 - Tap the Install button

Step 3 - Review the required permissions and tap the Install button

In the next screen Shopify will show you the required permissions you must grant the app to work.

Like any other Shopify app, Timesact works by accessing Shopify's different APIs. This allows it to make changes to stores in line with the app functionality requested by our users. Because the APIs are owned and operated by Shopify, they dictate the formalities for access. Though Timesact will always use minimal permissions needed to function correctly due to a change on Shopify's end, you may be prompted to accept additional permission. On this screen, you will find detailed explanations for the scope of access as well as a link to our privacy policy. If anything needs to be clarified, please reach out to for further information or assistance.
Tap the Install button to finish the installation process.

Once Shopify has finished the app installation process, Timesact will automatically open and be ready for use.

In case you navigate away you can always go back to the app by tapping Apps in the Shopify admin and then Pre-Order T Notify Me!

Updated on: 11/12/2024

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